April 15, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

There's so many exciting things happening around here! These are the trees in our back yard. Oh so colorful! And considering our living room is on the second floor, our windows pretty much display this beauty all day. It's incredible to see how they change so quickly. The tree to the left was bright reddish-pink the other day right before it bloomed. Yesterday all the flowers opened up and they were more pinkish-purple. And today as the little pedals are flying off the tree in the wind, they cover the ground in pink-polka dots.

We have a dogwood in our side yard. Just a few of the flowers have bloomed! I look forward to when the whole tree is covered!!
Our grass is growing!!! Brett has been so diligent to water the grass everyday and it has paid off. We have a fairly good covering and we're thankful it came in before the leaves made their canopy. You can see the shadows (and that's just with a few leaves on the trees) and understand why grass doesn't like to grow there. Hopefully it will survive well enough, but we'll just have to wait and see!!

I've planted all our seeds for this year in these little pots (some left over from the wedding, some plastic containers from the kitchen). I was somewhat surprised to find this today, but it's our first tomato plants shooting up. It's kind of hard to see, but I promise it's there... I hope they do well, cause I would love to have some fresh tomatoes this summer!!
And last, but definitely not least... The herbs!! All three (Parsley, Chamomile, and Basil) are doing great, but Parsley and Basil have really shot up lately! I'm so excited! I just hope they stay strong!!
Well... I am so thankful it's spring! You know... Fall use to be my favorite holiday, but I think Spring is catching up to it!! This weekend is the first Farmers' Market of the year, here in Overland Park. I'm excited to see what kind of produce they'll have and the potential for new friendships! If you have a Farmers' Market near you, check to see when they open and hurry over!!

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