August 25, 2011

School Has Started

It is obvious when school has started in our house::
:: the dishes are stacked in the sink
:: the laundry sits in the dryer for an extra day
:: floors are dirty
:: time with friends is short
:: time with classmates is long
:: the alarm clock goes off too early
:: I start drinking more coffee
:: Brett and I have to be intentional with our time together
:: leisure activities are sparse
:: time with the Lord is much needed
:: I wear a long sleeve shirt everyday even though it's 100* outside (because the building are 0*)
:: tons of money is spent on books (or tons of decisions about which books NOT to buy)
:: our schedule is full, but we do like having a schedule!

It's obvious:: School has Started!

August 17, 2011


Today I'm wishing I lived in the above picture! Colorado!!

August 16, 2011

:: Lately ::

:: Lately we've been ::
- super busy
- working on our kitchen
- (not) looking forward to school starting (can't decide if I am excited or not)
- making plans to visit with friends and family
- planning a trip to Minneapolis for a missions conference
- spending long hours working (both Brett and I)
- enjoying our new computer
- trying new foods
- loving movie date nights
- hoping for rest
- waiting for the day when we can enjoy a summer with no school
- having faith we are where the Lord wants us
- developing deeper friendships
- celebrating new babies being born and new marriages beginning!
- seeking more realness with the Lord
- trying to enjoy each day

August 11, 2011

Parent's Weekend

A few weekends ago, Brett and I traveled down to Arkansas with his parents, Dave and Jyl, to visit my parents, Tim and Jeanette! We had our own little "parent's weekend!"

As always, Lucy demands we spend time with her... and we LOVE it!

And she LOVES it too!

Saturday we spent the day visiting various historical places.
First, we went to the Pea Ridge National Military Park.

After watching a video on the Civil War, my Mom and Dad look a little too excited to tour the park!

A beautiful view from one of the look out points!

Dave and Jyl enjoy a breathtaking view!

Brett and I just couldn't resist a picture with this view!

The Elkhorn Tavern was the turning point of the battle fought at Pea Ridge!

After seeing the history of the civil war, we traveled to...
The Daisy Museum which was a big hit with the guys!

Living up the dream... ...of every little boy!

Anyone remember this from the movie 'A Christmas Story'?

The history of Daisy B.B. guns!

After lunch we traveled to Bentonville to visit the Walton 5-10 (five and dime).
This used to be the original store of Sam Walton, but now it is the Wal*Mart museum!

Here's the park in the Bentonville Square!

We took a few minutes to rest and enjoy the cool afternoon!

Dave enjoying the fountain!

My dad and Brett chatting in the park!

Here are the moms enjoying time at the fountain.

We all enjoyed the cool water on our feet after a long day!

Later, we took a nice little walk through the woods to find this amazing beauty.
Soon this will be the new art museum in Bentonville, AR :: Crystal Bridges

On our way back to the car, it poured down rain.
Thankfully everyone embraced the rain and enjoyed the day!

Sunday, we had family stop by for lunch and afternoon games!
My parents are seated to the far left with a few of my dad's cousins.

August 8, 2011

Yummy Food

Recently someone passed along some delicious, homemade peanut sauce to me!

Brett and I cooked up a new recipe including the following ingredients::
:: Carrots :: Red Peppers :: Sugar Snap Peas ::

:: Minced Garlic :: Soy Sauce :: Sesame Seed Oil :: Lo Mein Noodles ::

:: Homemade Peanut Sauce ::

:: And of course, some chicken ::
:: Cook the chicken in a sauce pan ::
:: Add the veggies, and you get this ::

:: Cook the noodles ::
:: Mix the chicken, veggies, noodles, and sauce ::
:: All this equals = AMAZINGNESS ::

:: Toss in the chopsticks and ENJOY ::