April 20, 2011

Seasons Change

I am so thankful summer is right around the corner. It's interesting how we desire for the seasons to change almost all the time. When it's Winter time I long for Summer to be here, but during the heat of the summer, I long for Fall to come. Thankfully we are enjoying a beautiful Spring (even though it's been cold for a few days now). I am very excited the Lord created seasons to come and go... and not just the weather seasons, but also the seasons in life.

Right now, school has been non-stop for both Brett and I. Hopefully this summer will bring a much needed relief to our busy lives. Goals for the summer include:
-going on long walks through parks and the neighborhood
-finishing our kitchen remodel
-planting a garden
-visiting friends and family in other states (or visiting other states with good friends!)
-celebrating new marriages and new births
-getting a bike in order to enjoy the weather and the exercise
-starting a new job (more to come)
-boating on the lake with good friends
-grilling lots of wonderful food
-shopping at the Farmer's market
-enjoying the little things in life

I can't wait for the summer to begin!!

We love seeing the ducks when we visit the park. Brett is always sure to give me the correct name for each duck! I love that he knows names of many animals and trees! I learn so much from him!

Here we are standing in our half-way finished kitchen. Soon the other half will be completed! If you're wondering, the bottom half is the new part!


  1. 1. whoa, I love the new kitchen
    2. I'm so glad that I made the list (can't wait for you to visit)
    3. Let me know where you find a good bike ( I need on too)
    4. What do you think about a scooter?
    5. Can I come to the lake too?
    6. When do you start? (your new job)

  2. Just found your blog! What fun to read about your life!
