March 22, 2010

First Steps Include:

1) Build a Plot

The first thing we did to start our garden was to build a small garden bed. The bed in our backyard is about 10 feet long by 2 feet wide. This will give me a great place to start, as I'm new to the gardening game. We gathered the lumbar and hardware and completed the box frame in a short time. Next, we traveled to a piece of land south of Kansas City to retrieve the dirt. When we arrived to the location on the map, the only thing in sight was a huge tractor and mounds of dirt. We asked the man driving the tractor if he could fill our truck bed with dirt. He certainly did. We could fill the truck bed sink as each load of dirt was dropped.

Once we got back to the house, we transferred the dirt into the garden plot! It was so exciting to see our box transform to a garden plot!! (Although it was still just dirt, I did get really excited)

2) Buy the Seeds

I was ready to buy the seeds and get started, but I had a few things to learn. I had decided I wanted to grow Heirloom Seeds as I appreciate the value of the rich heritage and non-commercialized aspect of them. I began by searching (Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds), but there were so many options. I asked for Brett's opinion and we came to some conclusions.
Earlier today, I purchased the following Heirloom Seeds for our "Joyful Garden"
-Amish Paste Tomato
-Zucchini Black Beauty Squash
-Quadrato D'asti Rosso Pepper
-Yellow of Parma Onion
-Merlo Nero Spinach

3) Up Next

Planting the seeds indoors. I still need to do some research on this, but I'm excited about what's to come!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley that's awesome!! We should write back and forth about our gardens...
