Definitely enjoy spending the lake weekends with these ladies!
We had a small group that went out to the lake on the Saturday before July 4th, so I had the opportunity to learn how to ski! It was awesome! Here I am getting ready to try this out for the first time!
Trying, trying, trying so hard to get up! Either that or I'm falling backwards after getting up!
I finally got up for about 10 seconds or so before I fell again. I was satisfied with my attempts and really tired, so I decided to give it a rest after this last attempt!
Then the boys got to ski! Jacob's been skiing all his life and definitely seems happy out there!
My handsome husband is a great skier! (Jacob's in the background trying to catch the waves)
Jacob's hair was quite the site!
Brett and Jacob tried to stay on as John tried to throw them off!
Marina and I just going for a nice peaceful ride in the tube! Thanks John!
Later in the day, I tried a second round of skiing! Finally got up successfully! I stayed up long enough to enjoy a nice ride around the lake!
Considering it was my first day to ski... I thought I did pretty well! And definitely enjoyed it!
Festive Watermelon for Fourth of July weekend!
Love the wind blown, pinky skin, after-the-lake type of picture!
Another friend picture!
After a long day in the sun... this was a beautiful way to end the day!
Yay for bigger pictures, right? Did you get my answer on fb?