Snow Days! They can be a lot of fun or a lot of
hastle. We've had lots of snow here in Kansas City recently. About two weeks ago we had 6-7 inches of snow. Thankfully the sun came out within the next day or two and things began to clear up. We were able to drive on the roads by the next afternoon! I even had some fun shoveling the drive way. The first few pictures are from our first snow day. Notice the clear blue skies!

Our front yard covered in snow, but the sun is out (thus the shadows of the tree branches).

Here's a picture of our house covered in snow.

The best and worst part about the snow day is that the plow truck comes along to clear our roads. I'm really thankful for them clearing our roads, but I really wish it wouldn't mean I two foot pile of snow on the edge of our drive way. Also, you can see our trash can has lots of snow on it as well. That's because our trash and recycle was never picked up for about a week (partly due to
MLK day, partly due to weather).

This measurement was from the first snow day. It's about 5.5 inches in some places and deeper in other places. This was taken from on top of my car (the ruler is on top of the car, not me).

Here was my view for most of today!

My study station for my snow day... all you need=
ipod, hot tea,
kleenex, three textbooks, planner, highlighter, pen, pencil, worksheets, phone, and a nice blanket to keep me warm (not pictured)!

After reading
facebook comments from
several friends about their snow day goodies, I was inspired to bake some for myself. A little flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, oil, one egg and some chocolate chips and bananas = some sweet muffins.

I am so thankful for my Keen boots. They have be a great addition to my shoe collection, especially for this Kansas winter weather!

This measurement was taken at about 1pm on Feb. 1st. It has continued to snow ever since then and I'm sure it will continue.

A picture from through our front door!
Brrr... it looks cold out there! Brett asked me to wake him up early today if the weather looked really bad. So I did. When he got up he decided to bundle up and take a walk up the road to see how bad the main roads were.

He said the main roads were fine and began to shovel the drive way so he could leave to go to work.

This is a picture of Brett trying to leave our neighborhood. He did not make it past the edge of our front yard, before he had to reverse back into our drive. As we were thinking of other solutions of how he could get to work, he suggested walking. The conversation went like this...
B: "Well I could just walk to work"
A: "Brett, you would freeze"
B: "It wouldn't be that bad"
A: "That's longer than a 5 mile walk"
B: "It would be about 7 miles"
A: "You'd be walking in blizzard conditions"
No thanks... I would not walk 7 miles through blizzard like conditions, just to get to work. Thankfully Brett didn't have to either. We found another way for him to get to work!
The following pictures were taken late in the evening on Feb. 1, 2011

Before the plow truck came through our neighborhood!! (Notice it's relatively flat)

Here comes the plow truck!! Above and Below... (just different settings)

And after the plow truck came down our road! At least the roads look better, but now we have to shovel that huge pile he left.

This measurement was taken in the middle of our drive way.
Well it's dark and cold out there... so I'm gonna try to stay warm and entertained in here!!
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