March 22, 2010

Learning New Things...

As I sit here to write a few words, Brett and I are discussing the criteria for a farm to be considered organic. I'm not sure how we arrived at this place, but it's a neat place to be.

Well I suppose it started with Brett's interest in Longhorn Cattle and my interest in the Farmer's Market. From there we've ventured on to read about Community Supported Agriculture,wind energy, composting, gardening, and now criteria farms must meet in order to be considered organic. We've spent some time discussing how this might affect our future! We're not sure where the Lord would have us in the future, but we do know that we're in this journey together.

Now most of this blog will be about gardening, but I'm sure other tidbits will come into discussion. I just wanted to share about the beginning!

As for Learning New Things...
I've been reading a book titled "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver and it has changed my perspective on a lot of things. She speaks very poignantly about the lack of knowledge of where our food comes from in America. She, along with Wendell Berry, suggest that consumers MUST know where there food comes from. I'm beginning to see the many benefits of knowing the land, the farmers, and the work that goes into our daily nutrients. The Lord has given us this earth through which he provides for us everything we need to sustain a healthy life. Our food comes from the earth, yet often times we never see food with any dirt on it. I'm excited to begin to understand the importance of working to grow food and really seeing with my own eyes on a regular basis that it does come from the earth!

Other websites of interest include:

Composting 101
Ohio Heirloom Seeds
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Organic Gardening Guru
Vegetable Gardening Guru
Savvy Gardener
Local Harvest

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