Fruit... what an amazing thing. All you have to do is cultivate the ground, plant a seed, water the plant and take care of weeds and soon enough you see the fruit of your labor (literally). It has been amazing to watch my plants grow and to help them along as much as possible. Take a look at the pictures from previous posts to see how much each plant has grown!!
So here's our tomato plants! They have grown to be soooo large!! Of course, they love the sun and love water. I placed cages around them to help them grow vertical instead of flopping over because of their weight.

Anyway, check the picture below to see the first fruits!!

Next, we have our zucchini plants. They also are doing very well and are expanding every day. I have seen some flowering blooms, but no sign of plant formation quite yet. It's amazing how big they have gotten since they were in their small pots.

Here we have our peppers. As you can see, there are some flowering blooms that we hope will produce some wonderful fruit (vegetable) for us this summer.

And last, but not least, we have our Basil! It has grown so tall. Although it has had it's ups and downs, the Basil is still holding on for life. The leaves are very tasty, and we hope to cook with some very soon!!

it brings joy to my life as it allows me to:
spend time outdoors,
breathe fresh air,
get my hands dirty,
watch things grow,
be patient,
learn new things,
eat healthy foods,
and enjoy the complexity of creation!